yukitani ( 50 / 435 ) DJP : 20325

Lv pIR Music DJP 順位 EX Rate Rate
BP 次の順位
★1 P aliceblue (radio edit) SP EX 49 10 3298 97
1 -7 +609 -31
★1 P Armais(u7) 36 12 2421 98
0 -2 +381 -35
★1 P Arcadia -★1- 48 4 3212 97
2 -12 +561 -39
★1 P BB BLOW(7key another) 50 10 3399 97
2 -7 +693 -72
★1 P Bird Sprite -D.K.R. mix- (虎のanother) 45 7 3011 97
2 0 +612 -33
★1 P CG901B -7EX-[Short Ver.] 46 1 3110 98
0 0 +617 0
★1 P Eleventh Hour (time limit soon! mix)(ボシワン) 46 5 3109 96
2 -3 +638 -74
★1 P FELYS (虎のANOTHER) 44 3 2967 97
3 -6 +595 -15
★1 P Faceless Moon (Dante Must Die!) 38 1 2572 98
4 0 +398 0
★1 P rainyseason -ex7- 64 4 4325 97
8 -6 +832 -49
★1 P X (虎のANOTHER) 57 7 3841 96
1 -3 +655 -81
★1 P ゲルニカの壁[EX7] 42 2 2825 98
0 -15 +527 -15
★1 P 星の器〜STAR OF ANDROMEDA(ANOTHER) 59 11 3947 98
2 -2 +638 -41
★2 P Air ANOTHER 54 13 3635 97
1 -1 +570 -59
★2 P Cynthia (7-EX) 39 3 2648 97
0 -4 +447 -8
★2 P HAMMER the TANGRAM (苦しさアナザー満天の星空) 45 1 3015 97
1 0 +546 0
★2 P Lapis [Another+] 48 10 3254 94
4 -3 +569 -75
★2 P Midnight Driving -air mix- 55 4 3679 96
1 -13 +715 -63
★2 P qriving plare 34 1 2278 94
1 0 +475 0
★2 P Velaciela -damepo7- 46 10 3084 94
3 -1 +639 -38
★2 P 東の国のFLYING PAPARAZZI![ANOTHER] 54 12 3651 98
0 -1 +402 -60
★2 P 東の国のFLYING PAPARAZZI![lunatic] 49 20 3309 96
3 -1 +407 -88
★3 P Air ANOTHER+ 60 10 4053 96
3 -6 +700 -127
★3 P Bird Sprite -D.K.R. mix- (afother) 49 3 3320 97
0 0 +683 -9
★3 P Jade star(altnative) 38 11 2560 95
2 0 +407 -72
★3 P J2U(crazy remix 7AFOTHER) 54 3 3635 95
5 -18 +882 -55
★3 P L9 -落とし穴 perfect edition- 44 1 2937 98
11 0 +576 0
★3 P Lostlove -BMS ver. another- 47 1 3193 98
0 0 +741 0
★3 P night starter Another 45 5 3024 98
3 -13 +432 -50
★3 P Over the Sky[ANOTHER7] 51 10 3446 94
3 -5 +741 -77
★3 P おでんぱ☆ラヴガール -BMS EDIT- [Kei-Another7 +] 63 7 4219 97
3 -4 +556 -81
★3 P その斯くも美しき紅に(EX) 46 7 3078 93
1 -8 +473 -123
★4 P aliceblue (radio edit) SP EX+ 54 5 3610 95
4 -11 +613 -64
★4 P cadence [29Another] 57 6 3820 96
16 -8 +516 -68
★4 P Liberte-SuperSaw Epic mix- -ANOTHER- 49 3 3328 97
0 -3 +518 -26
★4 P theme of Maia -maniac- 42 2 2818 94
4 -33 +660 -33
★5 P Angelic layer -ANOTHER- 61 9 4069 97
1 -7 +626 -81
★5 P Angelic layer 〜Reincarnation〜 58 1 3873 96
1 0 +735 0
★5 P Atomic Bomb [dに捧げる譜面] 49 1 3279 98
1 0 +610 0
★5 P A BEAUTIFUL SKY[Afother] 68 8 4580 90
2 -55 +961 -264
★5 P OAA-γ [EX] 65 8 4398 95
1 -4 +834 -109
★5 P REspEcT-B.A.U MIX- EX 72 6 4817 97
1 -11 +642 -85
★5 P Rosario(busy) 81 6 5451 96
0 -16 +723 -129
★5 P Trinity [maniac] 39 4 2601 95
4 -3 +509 -104
★5 P 少女の舞葬(コープスダンス) 51 4 3421 95
2 -27 +658 -126
★6 P 5.1.1(ReMix)[Afother] 52 2 3512 94
0 -7 +820 -7
★6 P eve solstice mix -kuso- 48 10 3263 89
8 -9 +540 -89
★6 P l'amour d'amour --- 虎のANOTHER 66 6 4439 94
1 -12 +795 -122
★6 P Red-rize "B172 mix" // 7keys Afother 55 13 3667 96
7 -2 +490 -76
★7 P orbit (瑠野亜's edition)[MANIAC] 53 4 3565 94
3 -18 +688 -82