shoukool* ( 31 / 435 ) DJP : 17736

Lv pIR Music DJP 順位 EX Rate Rate
BP 次の順位
★1 P AcceptAdvent-Border of Life-(★1) 42 43 2898 87
2 -8 +351 -324
★1 P aliceblue (radio edit) SP EX 43 266 2991 87
9 0 +302 -338
★1 P BB BLOW(7key another) 44 197 3098 88
10 -1 +392 -373
★1 P Bird Sprite -D.K.R. mix- (虎のanother) 41 160 2796 90
6 -2 +397 -248
★1 P CG901B -7EX-[Short Ver.] 40 217 2764 87
10 -1 +271 -346
★1 P Eleventh Hour (time limit soon! mix)(ボシワン) 38 228 2657 82
21 0 +186 -526
★1 P FELYS (虎のANOTHER) 40 159 2716 89
12 -4 +344 -266
★1 P rainyseason -ex7- 55 264 3802 85
3 -2 +309 -572
★1 P ゲルニカの壁[EX7] 38 174 2584 89
3 0 +286 -256
★1 P 星の器〜STAR OF ANDROMEDA(ANOTHER) 56 164 3781 94
13 -1 +472 -207
★1 P 約束 -HappyHyperStarmiX- (虎の穴) 58 144 3870 94
6 0 +405 -214
★2 P Air ANOTHER 50 243 3375 90
8 0 +310 -319
★2 P Cynthia (7-EX) 34 211 2388 88
0 -1 +187 -268
★2 P Lapis [Another+] 43 87 3016 87
3 -1 +331 -313
★2 P Midnight Driving -air mix- 47 140 3297 86
15 -2 +333 -445
★2 P sensitive(虎のANOTHER) 51 152 3466 89
9 0 +358 -314
★2 P 東の国のFLYING PAPARAZZI![ANOTHER] 51 169 3414 91
10 -1 +165 -297
★2 P 東の国のFLYING PAPARAZZI![lunatic] 47 96 3157 92
11 0 +255 -240
★3 P Bird Sprite -D.K.R. mix- (afother) 44 105 3043 88
12 -4 +406 -286
★3 P Jade star(altnative) 35 109 2383 89
7 0 +230 -249
★3 P Mirai (busy) 51 96 3421 90
27 -1 +394 -352
★3 P night starter Another 41 87 2794 90
8 -2 +202 -280
★3 P Over the Sky[ANOTHER7] 48 58 3262 89
10 -2 +557 -261
★3 P 夜桜 -十六分咲き- 44 176 3045 86
18 0 +378 -386
★4 P aliceblue (radio edit) SP EX+ 50 45 3395 90
16 -1 +398 -279
★4 P Liberte-SuperSaw Epic mix- -ANOTHER- 43 155 3011 88
5 -3 +201 -343
★5 P Angelic layer -ANOTHER- 53 265 3659 87
31 0 +216 -491
★5 P Trinity [maniac] 35 68 2426 88
10 -1 +334 -279
★6 P eve solstice mix -kuso- 44 41 3038 83
8 -1 +315 -314
★6 P Red-rize "B172 mix" // 7keys Afother 51 158 3414 89
7 -5 +237 -329
★8 P PuppyMill(Another) 54 106 3749 88
7 -2 +414 -395