
DJP EX Clear Mark
5940 515230 246 -> 246 75 -> 75 0 -> 0 84 -> 84 30 -> 30 0 -> 0
Lv Music DJP 順位 EX BP
★1 -> aliceblue (radio edit) SP EX 32 783->784 (+1) 2513 33
★1 -> Armais(u7) 27 853->854 (+1) 2038 35
★1 -> BB BLOW(7key another) 32 746->747 (+1) 2488 33
★1 -> Bird Sprite -D.K.R. mix- (虎のanother) 28 849->851 (+2) 2199 22
★1 -> CG901B -7EX-[Short Ver.] 31 636->637 (+1) 2385 22
★1 -> Eleventh Hour (time limit soon! mix)(ボシワン) 26 583->584 (+1) 2217 34
★1 -> Ruriko FINAL (7KEYS) EX2 42 634->635 (+1) 3283 67
★1 -> SunnyShinyRing -Another- 32 693->694 (+1) 2407 34
★1 -> ☆ twinklesky ☆ _12 虎のANOTHER 31 698->699 (+1) 2599 131
★2 -> affected (ANOTHER7) 30 636->637 (+1) 2374 39
★2 -> Air ANOTHER 36 1073->1074 (+1) 2775 42
★2 -> HAMMER the TANGRAM (苦しさアナザー満天の星空) 24 630->631 (+1) 2269 38
★2 -> Lapis [Another+] 32 423->424 (+1) 2488 56
★2 -> Midnight Driving -air mix- 33 569->570 (+1) 2594 59
★2 -> qriving plare 20 471->472 (+1) 1690 43
★2 -> REWD 'B159 mix' // (kei another7) 37 553->554 (+1) 2785 50
★2 -> Romancing Sa・Ga3 ラストバトル RockArrange (虎のANOTHER) 54 635->636 (+1) 4517 46
★2 -> sensitive(虎のANOTHER) 34 702->704 (+2) 2834 72
★2 -> Velaciela -damepo7- 25 722->723 (+1) 2153 36
★2 -> 東の国のFLYING PAPARAZZI![ANOTHER] 39 402->403 (+1) 3137 24
★3 -> Air ANOTHER+ 37 905->906 (+1) 3084 58
★3 -> F -Extra- 21 616->618 (+2) 1997 66
★3 -> Imperishable Night 2006-SP ANOTHER- 36 695->696 (+1) 3027 82
★3 -> J2U(crazy remix 7AFOTHER) 25 602->603 (+1) 2348 104
★3 -> L9 -落とし穴 perfect edition- 29 515->516 (+1) 2239 38
★3 -> the sorrow of the islands (7keys:maniac) 32 470->471 (+1) 2677 76
★3 -> おでんぱ☆ラヴガール -BMS EDIT- [Kei-Another7 +] 47 604->606 (+2) 3517 44
★3 -> 桜華月 Ultra7 27 546->547 (+1) 2317 66
★3 -> 夜桜 -十六分咲き- 29 892->893 (+1) 2425 39
★4 -> cadence [29Another] 33 590->591 (+1) 2803 60
★4 -> Eclisse [29Another] 42 244->245 (+1) 3543 62
★4 -> FREEDOM DiVE [k7] 44 282->285 (+3) 3414 61
★4 -> omega iii - beyond the flare (7kitty) 31 475->476 (+1) 2604 39
★4 -> ★SweeT DiscoverY★ (虎のANOTHER) 32 530->531 (+1) 3219 142
★4 -> X (AFOTHER) 46 588->591 (+3) 3853 146
★5 -> Angelic layer -ANOTHER- 41 546->547 (+1) 3311 60
★5 -> Cosmoscape [kei another] 26 409->410 (+1) 2679 77
★5 -> Exit (another7) 39 453->455 (+2) 3296 83
★5 -> FELYS EX 29 322->324 (+2) 2438 84
★5 -> Last! Least! Regrets!!(AFOTHER) 31 620->621 (+1) 2664 74
★5 -> ★LittlE HearTs★(虎の穴) 40 844->845 (+1) 3119 32
★5 -> Lunatic of the Full-Moon(---) 26 567->568 (+1) 2390 102
★5 -> 道しるべ -Lunatic- 31 400->401 (+1) 2663 55
★6 -> 5.1.1(ReMix)[Afother] 23 419->420 (+1) 2374 59
★6 -> Air -MANIAQ- 42 706->707 (+1) 3535 190
★6 -> l'amour d'amour --- 虎のANOTHER 36 570->571 (+1) 3354 51
★6 -> ★SweeT DiscoverY★ (AFOTHER) 15 442->443 (+1) 1558 118
★6 -> アズール <ANOTHER> 28 560->561 (+1) 2390 27
★6 -> 亡き皇女の為のセプテット [BEGGINER] 39 438->439 (+1) 3285 44
★7 -> orbit(7keyA mania of mania mix) 28 324->326 (+2) 2601 54
★7 -> REWD 'B159 mix' // (kei-transcended 7) 36 386->388 (+2) 3349 137
★7 -> Romancing Sa・Ga3 ラストバトル RockArrange (AFOTHER) 47 417->418 (+1) 4728 110
★7 -> どうか私を殺して下さい 27 552->553 (+1) 2541 89
★7 -> ひつぎとふたご 〜狂気ノ宴〜 31 438->439 (+1) 2636 86
★7 -> 夢人形-Extra dream- 45 437->438 (+1) 3488 64
★8 -> Platinum garden -another+- 21 203->204 (+1) 2187 91
★8 -> 暁月〜蒼い夢 夢うつつ(kuso edition) 32 364->365 (+1) 2987 75
★8 -> エピトゥリカの祀[MANIAC] 31 116->117 (+1) 3199 135
★8 -> 冥界帰航(ANOTHER) 25 439->440 (+1) 2532 169
★9 -> Absurd Gaff(ANOTHER) 33 229->230 (+1) 3030 159
★9 -> Bloody Malie -Ex- 26 465->466 (+1) 2661 160
★9 -> L9 16 267->268 (+1) 1610 158
★9 -> Lapis [FRIDAY] 31 208->209 (+1) 2895 87
★9 -> LOVE☆BEAM (orange summer mix) 40 591->593 (+2) 2994 52
★9 -> その斯くも美しき紅に 32 119->120 (+1) 2987 115