KKKKKK ( 34 / 435 ) DJP : 19111

Lv pIR Music DJP 順位 EX Rate Rate
BP 次の順位
★1 P AcceptAdvent-Border of Life-(★1) 44 33 2955 89
2 -1 +408 -267
★1 P aliceblue (radio edit) SP EX 43 225 3024 88
4 -1 +335 -305
★1 P Armais(u7) 35 99 2343 95
6 -2 +303 -113
★1 P Arcadia -★1- 46 25 3069 93
4 -5 +418 -182
★1 P BB BLOW(7key another) 47 163 3135 89
3 -1 +429 -336
★1 P Bird Sprite -D.K.R. mix- (虎のanother) 42 151 2802 90
1 0 +403 -242
★1 P CG901B -7EX-[Short Ver.] 40 181 2811 88
5 -1 +318 -299
★1 P Eleventh Hour (time limit soon! mix)(ボシワン) 43 65 2896 89
15 -1 +425 -287
★1 P Faceless Moon (Dante Must Die!) 36 57 2414 92
6 -1 +240 -158
★1 P rainyseason -ex7- 56 197 3885 87
5 -3 +392 -489
★1 P SunnyShinyRing -Another- 41 110 2775 90
3 0 +418 -194
★1 P ゲルニカの壁[EX7] 39 133 2613 90
2 -1 +315 -227
★1 P 星の器〜STAR OF ANDROMEDA(ANOTHER) 55 283 3679 91
2 -1 +370 -309
★1 P 約束 -HappyHyperStarmiX- (虎の穴) 58 83 3923 95
1 -1 +458 -161
★2 P affected (ANOTHER7) 43 119 3017 86
1 -1 +450 -361
★2 P Air ANOTHER 52 67 3522 94
11 -1 +457 -172
★2 P Cynthia (7-EX) 37 85 2497 92
1 -1 +296 -159
★2 P HAMMER the TANGRAM (苦しさアナザー満天の星空) 42 78 2809 90
1 -1 +340 -206
★2 P Lapis [Another+] 43 75 3032 87
1 0 +347 -297
★2 P Midnight Driving -air mix- 47 161 3273 86
4 0 +309 -469
★2 P 東の国のFLYING PAPARAZZI![ANOTHER] 53 66 3537 95
7 0 +288 -174
★2 P 東の国のFLYING PAPARAZZI![lunatic] 47 94 3160 92
1 -1 +258 -237
★3 P Air ANOTHER+ 57 86 3866 91
5 0 +513 -314
★3 P Bird Sprite -D.K.R. mix- (afother) 42 171 2945 86
2 -4 +308 -384
★3 P Jade star(altnative) 33 149 2344 87
3 -2 +191 -288
★3 P Mirai (busy) 51 111 3402 89
3 -1 +375 -371
★3 P 桜華月 Ultra7 41 104 2834 85
9 -1 +353 -419
★3 P 夜桜 -十六分咲き- 43 215 3010 85
8 -1 +343 -421
★4 P Liberte-SuperSaw Epic mix- -ANOTHER- 42 252 2903 85
4 0 +93 -451
★5 P Angelic layer -ANOTHER- 56 141 3794 90
1 0 +351 -356
★5 P OAA-γ [EX] 58 81 4034 88
0 -6 +470 -473
★5 P Rosario(busy) 77 48 5138 90
15 -2 +410 -442
★5 P Trinity [maniac] 33 127 2319 84
3 0 +227 -386
★5 P Xecus [Maniac] 54 94 3660 90
3 -3 +306 -330