ALICE* ( 37 / 435 ) DJP : 17026

Lv pIR Music DJP 順位 EX Rate Rate
BP 次の順位
★1 P AcceptAdvent-Border of Life-(★1) 44 28 2975 89
0 -2 +428 -247
★1 P aliceblue (radio edit) SP EX 46 136 3106 91
3 -3 +417 -223
★1 P Armais(u7) 35 89 2354 95
0 0 +314 -102
★1 P BB BLOW(7key another) 47 125 3176 90
4 0 +470 -295
★1 P Bird Sprite -D.K.R. mix- (虎のanother) 39 251 2722 87
5 0 +323 -322
★1 P CG901B -7EX-[Short Ver.] 39 287 2699 85
2 -1 +206 -411
★1 P Eleventh Hour (time limit soon! mix)(ボシワン) 40 116 2806 87
3 -2 +335 -377
★1 P FELYS (虎のANOTHER) 42 42 2863 94
3 -3 +491 -119
★1 P rainyseason -ex7- 56 196 3888 87
5 0 +395 -486
★1 P Ruriko FINAL (7KEYS) EX2 58 125 3876 90
4 -1 +503 -278
★1 P ☆ twinklesky ☆ _12 虎のANOTHER 49 73 3417 88
9 -1 +638 -305
★1 P X (虎のANOTHER) 54 95 3642 91
2 0 +456 -280
★1 P ゲルニカの壁[EX7] 36 218 2545 88
3 -2 +247 -295
★1 P 星の器〜STAR OF ANDROMEDA(ANOTHER) 56 195 3747 93
3 -1 +438 -241
★1 P 約束 -HappyHyperStarmiX- (虎の穴) 57 183 3843 93
2 0 +378 -241
★2 P affected (ANOTHER7) 44 106 3042 87
2 -2 +475 -336
★2 P Air ANOTHER 51 143 3444 92
6 0 +379 -250
★2 P Cynthia (7-EX) 37 81 2498 92
6 0 +297 -158
★2 P HAMMER the TANGRAM (苦しさアナザー満天の星空) 38 241 2639 84
3 0 +170 -376
★2 P Midnight Driving -air mix- 47 186 3245 85
6 -1 +281 -497
★2 P REWD 'B159 mix' // (kei another7) 46 165 3094 91
9 -1 +216 -251
★2 P sensitive(虎のANOTHER) 49 204 3409 87
9 0 +301 -371
★3 P Air ANOTHER+ 57 113 3831 90
3 -1 +478 -349
★3 P Jade star(altnative) 34 119 2374 88
2 0 +221 -258
★3 P 夜桜 -十六分咲き- 44 170 3052 86
0 -2 +385 -379
★5 P Exit (another7) 52 371 3586 80
11 -1 -123 -798
★5 P ★LittlE HearTs★(虎の穴) 53 162 3593 89
3 0 +395 -321
★6 P Red-rize "B172 mix" // 7keys Afother 52 95 3499 91
2 -8 +322 -244
★7 P Vlll -Lachesis- [Another] 50 56 3480 87
5 -1 +298 -368
★7 P 白の魔法の光 50 60 3384 89
2 0 +297 -310
★8 P PuppyMill(Another) 56 85 3777 89
6 -2 +442 -367
★8 P 約束 -HappyHyperStarmiX- (AFOTHER) 74 57 4966 92
1 -2 +604 -327
★8 P 妖晶零弐 -Ω- 44 58 2971 90
15 -2 +316 -240
★9 P DQV Battle -Normal- 34 20 2391 84
1 -1 +451 -184
★9 P 舞姫 〜buki〜 [7key AFOTHER] 54 57 3611 90
13 -1 +223 -284
★12 P Cold Breath (Another+) 48 39 3216 90
2 -2 +392 -233
★12 P Happy☆mooN(MANIAC) 57 19 3827 91
2 -11 +470 -277