4! ( 15 / 435 ) DJP : 12957

Lv pIR Music DJP 順位 EX Rate Rate
BP 次の順位
★1 P aliceblue (radio edit) SP EX 40 532 2771 81
1 -1 +82 -558
★1 P Armais(u7) 31 486 2186 88
3 0 +146 -270
★1 P Arcadia -★1- 41 175 2841 86
6 -1 +190 -410
★1 P BB BLOW(7key another) 41 442 2851 81
1 0 +145 -620
★1 P Bird Sprite -D.K.R. mix- (虎のanother) 35 598 2437 78
3 -2 +38 -607
★1 P CG901B -7EX-[Short Ver.] 37 378 2610 82
6 -1 +117 -500
★1 P rainyseason -ex7- 50 521 3503 78
4 0 +10 -871
★1 P ゲルニカの壁[EX7] 34 495 2346 81
14 0 +48 -494
★1 P 星の器〜STAR OF ANDROMEDA(ANOTHER) 50 598 3459 86
4 0 +150 -529
★2 P Lapis [Another+] 39 272 2734 79
4 -1 +49 -595
★2 P 東の国のFLYING PAPARAZZI![ANOTHER] 47 319 3255 87
7 0 +6 -456
★3 P Bird Sprite -D.K.R. mix- (afother) 40 276 2804 81
2 0 +167 -525
★3 P Jade star(altnative) 32 295 2212 82
3 -1 +59 -420
★3 P Over the Sky[ANOTHER7] 41 313 2857 78
9 -2 +152 -666
★4 P Liberte-SuperSaw Epic mix- -ANOTHER- 37 403 2656 77
4 -2 -154 -698