VIPPER ( 37 / 435 ) DJP : 13199

Lv pIR Music DJP 順位 EX Rate Rate
BP 次の順位
★1 P AcceptAdvent-Border of Life-(★1) 42 39 2914 87
13 -7 +367 -308
★1 P aliceblue (radio edit) SP EX 46 172 3075 90
0 0 +386 -254
★1 P Arcadia -★1- 41 129 2888 87
2 -1 +237 -363
★1 P BB BLOW(7key another) 45 184 3114 88
2 -1 +408 -357
★1 P Bird Sprite -D.K.R. mix- (虎のanother) 41 199 2764 89
2 -1 +365 -280
★1 P CG901B -7EX-[Short Ver.] 40 191 2797 88
2 -1 +304 -313
★1 P FELYS (虎のANOTHER) 41 107 2771 91
0 0 +399 -211
★1 P Faceless Moon (Dante Must Die!) 35 122 2339 89
8 -1 +165 -233
★1 P rainyseason -ex7- 56 182 3906 87
3 -2 +413 -468
★1 P ゲルニカの壁[EX7] 38 194 2569 89
3 0 +271 -271
★1 P 星の器〜STAR OF ANDROMEDA(ANOTHER) 56 179 3768 93
3 -1 +459 -220
★1 P 約束 -HappyHyperStarmiX- (虎の穴) 56 286 3778 91
1 0 +313 -306
★2 P Cynthia (7-EX) 34 203 2394 88
6 0 +193 -262
★2 P Lapis [Another+] 43 77 3025 87
6 -3 +340 -304
★2 P Little "Sister" Bitch another 48 130 3235 90
12 -4 +247 -277
★2 P Midnight Driving -air mix- 48 119 3333 87
8 -3 +369 -409
★2 P Velaciela -damepo7- 41 138 2839 87
7 -1 +394 -283
★2 P 東の国のFLYING PAPARAZZI![ANOTHER] 52 102 3493 93
1 -2 +244 -218
★2 P 東の国のFLYING PAPARAZZI![lunatic] 47 88 3165 92
4 -1 +263 -232
★3 P Bird Sprite -D.K.R. mix- (afother) 45 102 3048 89
4 -4 +411 -281
★3 P Imperishable Night 2006-SP ANOTHER- 54 123 3631 90
5 -1 +398 -351
★3 P Jade star(altnative) 36 86 2404 90
5 -1 +251 -228
★3 P Mirai (busy) 52 65 3467 91
1 -1 +440 -306
★3 P Over the Sky[ANOTHER7] 45 119 3153 86
1 -1 +448 -370
★3 P 物怪舞踏 [29Another] 56 191 3798 90
7 -1 +267 -380
★4 P aliceblue (radio edit) SP EX+ 50 56 3357 89
5 -1 +360 -317
★4 P Liberte-SuperSaw Epic mix- -ANOTHER- 45 142 3034 89
1 -2 +224 -320
★5 P Angelic layer 〜Reincarnation〜 53 70 3574 89
2 -3 +436 -299
★5 P Exit (another7) 60 91 4040 90
12 -4 +331 -344
★5 P Rosario(busy) 77 47 5140 90
1 -1 +412 -440
★5 P Trinity [maniac] 34 97 2366 86
5 -1 +274 -339
★6 P 亡き皇女の為のセプテット [BEGGINER] 58 51 3900 90
2 -1 +377 -243
★7 P Love’s Rebirth ’06 -7another- 51 89 3578 87
10 -1 +335 -419
★7 P Vlll -Lachesis- [Another] 49 83 3417 85
9 -2 +235 -431
★7 P 景色の境界 -EX- 34 13 2392 87
1 -10 +447 -179
★8 P PuppyMill(Another) 54 115 3731 88
0 -3 +396 -413
★8 P 桜華月 [7key Extra] 48 56 3376 87
7 0 +441 -333